Monday, May 28, 2007

Lazy Day!

Today, we took it easy. We agreed last night that everyone was going to sleep in. I took full advantage! After going to bed early last night, I slept until 7, went back to sleep, woke up around 8, then laid in bed until about 8:30, at which I point I decided I should at least check email. So, I read email, watched some CNN, and just rested. It's been such a busy trip, with something going on all the time. There really hasn't been any rest time. So it felt really good to just relax.

Around 9:15, Michelle called, and asked if I wanted to go to brunch. I agreed to meet her at 10. So, a little more lazing around, before rushing through a shower to be ready on time. We walked just down the road a little way, to a small cafe, Te con Te, or Tea with Tea. It was lovely. I had scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast, with a fresh fruit punch blended with ice. Michelle had Eggs Benedict, with smoked salmon, and a cappicino. Most of the way through breakfast, Will wandered over to tell us he was headed into San Jose to wander. We wished him well, and told him if he wasn't back by 7, we'd start to worry!

After brunch, we wandered through a couple of boutiques Michelle wanted to look at, and then headed over to the spa close to work. We finished up there around 2, and came back to the hotel for a bit. Bill, I have a picture of the habiscus flowers the size of my head for you! I'll upload them when I get home.

Michelle's dad had done research on San Jose before we left, and found mention of the Gold Museum, or Museo de Oro. So, after the spa, we took a cab downtown, and spent several hours wandering through the museum. They have a really neat exhibit on Pre-Colonial gold there, as well as info on life for the native tribes, both pre- and post-colonial rule. It was really interesting. I have pictures of that as well. They also had a numatist exhibit, with the history of the currency in Costa Rica. Grandpa, I have a picture or two of some of the currency I'll show you.

After the museum, we wandered San Jose for just a little bit. We walked through a little plaza, walked past the National Theater. Michelle is Catholic, so we also visited the national cathedral, which was right there. When they started the Rosary service, we snuck out. We took a cab back to the hotel, and went up to Michelle's room to wait for Will. We watched a movie, and a couple of shows. By that point, it was 7, and we were getting worried. We called what we thought was Will's room, and no one answered. We wandered down, and checked the lobby, where they have email. No Will. We finally asked the front desk, and the lady told us, "Oh yes, he's in his room." As we started toward his room, Michelle saw him, headed towards us. Turns out, he'd only been in San Jose for a couple of hours; he probably got back before we returned from the salon. He'd gone for a jog, then came back, and was asked to move to another room by the hotel as "something was wrong with his shower". He said he hadn't noticed anything, but dutifully moved to room 310; he'd been in 311. We'd tried to call 311. So, mystery solved, and we didn't have to call the Embassy! :)

Michelle and I had snacked while we waited for Will, so weren't really hungry, but Will hadn't eaten dinner. So we strolled down to the local Chinese restaurant. Michelle and I ordered hot and sour soup. The waiter, concerned the small bowls wouldn't be enough for us, asked if we wanted the larger size. We agreed, thinking we'd get soup bowls. Um, no. We each ended up with a serving bowl, with enough soup for at least 3! I know our eyes just about popped out of our heads when we saw the size of the bowls! We didn't eat even half. Ah well, lesson learned!

Tomorrow starts our second week of work. Michelle and I only have 3 days this week, since we had today off, and fly home on Friday. I think we're going to do some follow-up. We have some suggestions for management, that percolated out this weekend while we discussed our thoughts on last week. Not sure how well it will go over, or if they'll listen, but since that's part of why they're paying us to come down here, I hope they'll listen.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes!


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