Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bad Reviews and the Taj Mahal

This morning I actually managed to get up in time to drink a glass of Coke before going to breakfast. This was very important, as otherwise, I get a really bad caffeine withdrawl headache by around lunch time. However, the downside of this was I had time for the Coke because I was frantically searching the room for my keycard! Found it, and still had time for breakfast, before the driver got here.

Work was more side-by-sides today, 'though the person I sat with was much better. He really knew his stuff. It was a pleasure to sit with him; I didn't feel like I needed to try to keep him on task. I heard, via email, from Mom, that Grandma reported 2 inches of snow fell last night in Evergreen. Made me even more glad I'm here, and not there!! This afternoon, we met with the managers, and went over the evaluations we've done so far. It was a little uncomfortable, because the person I sat with yesterday just isn't where he needs to be. The managers said what we told them about this person wasn't anything new, and that he'd almost been fired a couple of months ago. We'll see where it leads. I felt better being able to give really good reviews about the other 2 people I sat with.

After work, we headed to the Indian restaurant in town, the Taj Mahal. It was very good. We went with the two managers we've had the most to do with, Victor and Hazel. It was the first really spicy food I've had since getting here, which was really nice. We had a really good time at dinner, laughed and enjoying ourselves.

Once we got back to the hotel, we met for our (now) customary after-work soak in the hot tub/swim in the pool. By the time we were ready to call it a night, the clouds were starting to drift off, and we could actually see the sky.


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