Sunday, October 09, 2005

First Snow of the Season

No, that's not confetti. That's snow. October 9, 2005, first snowfall of the season here in Evergreen. It was cold and wet all day; I'm not sure we ever made it over 40F, but about 4:30 or so, it started with the flakes.

According to the weather radio this morning, we could get as much as 8 inches of snow by morning. I'm hoping not; Mondays are NOT my favorite day of the week, and starting off with that much snow is not going to help. Not to mention the concern that if we're getting that much snow in the first fall, how does that bode for the rest of the winter!?

Now, considering this is Colorado, and the weather is incredibly mutable, changing all the time, I wouldn't be surprised if we hit the 70s or 80s by the end of the week. However, we have to get through the cold, wet snow before we get there.


At 6:47 AM, Blogger Iszilzha said...

Mmm... Snow... I remeber when there used to be snow in Minnesota in the winter, good times.

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Serena said...

Yeah, me too. Now I live in Colorado, and get more snow, earlier!


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