Monday, October 10, 2005

Will the Person Who Ordered Snow, Please Step in Front of the Snowplow

Okay, so, explanations... First two pictures are off the front deck. Usually, the deck looks out over the valley, and towards Mt. Evans. As you can see, there's just a little snow, and low-lying clouds. Low-lying, of course, being rather a relative term, since I live up at 7000 feet about sea level. The picture with the chairs and the grill is from the back porch, and is mostly for perspective. The chairs are the folding stadium chairs. The picture next to it, with the aspen, if out my patio door, downstairs. It's looking northwest, and you can see the neighbor's house. This would be the neighbor with the irritating, barking spaniels.
The last picture, to the left, is also of the neighbor's house, also out the patio door in front of my room. You see a little of the aspen, and the illegal shed. Her driveway has an easement against it, saying nothing can block it, so that if there's a fire in our area, the fire trucks can actually get to the fire.

Luckily, it's supposed to be nearly 50 tomorrow, 60s Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and 70 on Saturday. Hopefully they'll be able to finish whatever it is they're doing to move the illegal shed, so we can all feel a little safer again.

I hope you've enjoyed your vicarious First Snow of the Season in Colorado with me. Not sure I did...


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Iszilzha said...

Ahh, snow! I don't suppose you got a snow day? At least you have a vehicle that can handle it. Now if only there was a way to keep stupid people from driving...

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Serena said...

Snow day?! HA! Two years ago, when there was 8+ feet of snow in Conifer, 6+ feet in Evergreen, and at least 4 feet in Denver, they STILL didn't close the center. Now, if you couldn't make it in, you charge it to vacation, or take it unpaid, and they didn't charge it against you. But they put people up in nearby hotels, and they still took calls. I think my chances of a snow day are about as good as my chance to get to be a fighter pilot.


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